Sunday, January 1, 2012

Good bye 2011 and WELCOME 2012

Sunday, 1/1/2012 - What a year 2011 has been for Will and I. We left Fresno, CA on Mothers Day, 5/8/11 and are currently sitting in Florida, our 25th state we have been in on this trip. What an incredible trip it has been and to think it all started with Will's granddaughter, Fallon's wedding in Ohio, July, 2011. Thanks Fallon for getting these wheels on the RV rolling.

We have seen so many wonderful sights and when people ask us, "which has been your favorite" it is so hard to answer, besides not remembering HALF of what we have seen (hence the Blog)but really enjoying everything especially the wonderful people we have met along the way. Last Thursday, "our new best friends" Ron & Ms Dixie, left our current RV park where they had stayed for 2 weeks and boy do we miss them. Safe travel my friends and may our paths cross again.

When we came into this park we knew we would be in our current spot, Pod 7 Site 1 until Jan 1st and then we had to move two more times while we were here. We have grown to love this end spot we are in and the people in our pod and HATED where they were sending us to. We just kept saying, "oh well, at least we are still in the RV park" but honestly we weren't happy. Our current spot is sunny and bright, on an end so we see everything and everyone. The space they were sending us was dark & cold and in an avocado grove....I was calling it purgatory.

So today was moving day and we took up our outside carpet, put the chairs away and I got everything set inside so we could move to Pod 10 Site 13 (how unlucky does that sound?) Will had just pulled the RV out of our spot and I was in the car behind him when someone from the office comes up in their Miami-Dade County truck and tells us the people coming in Jan 1st just canceled their reservation and WE DON'T HAVE TO MOVE. The guy was so apologetic that we had already moved but we were just thrilled to just drive around the pod and go right back into our old site. We are now here until we leave this RV park on - January 18, 2012 for Punta Gordo, FL. Thank you Jesus for the New Years Day present!

After we got the RV all set up for living again, we had lunch and headed off to North Miami for the monthly Bluegrass Music Festival that is sponsored by the So Florida Bluegrass Assoc They have a monthly concert the first Sunday of each month in a very nice county park - Greynolds Park. This place was about an hours drive from where we were but it was nice seeing new parts of Miami.

The concert is free however they charge $6.00 to drive your car into the park, which of course we paid. It was a really nice place with an actual stage for the performers. They had 4 groups scheduled for today - 12:30 to 4:30 pm. The second group, Corn Country was the best of the three groups we saw and thought the Bluegrass concerts we have seen on Friday nights in Clovis, CA were far better. However, a couple we met there said the groups performing today were not very good and usually it is much better. It was ok, we had a fun time and it was great just hearing some Bluegrass Music. Unfortunately, on the weekend of Feb 24, 25 & 26th they are having a BIG festival that name groups appearing but we will be in Clearwater/Tampa area at that time.......waiting for NY Yankee Spring Training to start.

Here's wishing everyone a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and as always much love to all our family and friends and good health for all.

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